Hello World!

I'm Roy Varghese Mathew

About Me

I am a student who is currently studying computer science because I want to help develop the technologies of the future. My experience in software development is broad; I have experience ranging from developing android and web applications to projects that emphasize back-end development. In addition to technology, I am also interested in finance as hobby and follow the financial markets semi-regularly.


Soft Skills

  • Leadership
  • Quick-Learner
  • Hard-Working
  • Flexible

Technical Skills

  • Expert with Java
  • Basic experience with Android Development
  • Knows Some HTML/CSS/JavaScript and C
  • Prior experience with Python and MatLab


Seattle Preparatory School

Awarded High School Diploma
Seattle, WA

University of Washington

Computer Science Major
Seattle, WA

Notable Coursework

AMATH 301: Beginning Scientific Computing

In this class I learned the basics of different ways to efficiently solve complex numerical problems such as solving using various integration schemes so predict chaotic systems, how to use the fourier transform to remove noise from an audio signal, and even using eigen vectors/values to build a facial recognition algorithm.

CSE 143X: Accelerated Computer Programming I/II

This introductory programming class thought me basic concepts such as file processing, defining objects, and the basic ideas of of data abstraction and encapsulation. This includes learning about stacks, queues, maps, sets, linked lists, binary trees, recursion, runtime complexity and use of predefined collection classes.”

CSE 351: Hardware/Software Interface

I am currently taking this class. Topics already covered include how to use the linux command line, the basics of C, how various data types are represented in binary and how to manipulate them with bitwise operations.

CSE331: Software Design and Implementation

"Explores concepts and techniques for design and construction of reliable and maintainable software systems in modern high-level languages: specifications; program structure and design; program-correctness approaches, including testing; and event-driven programming (e.g., graphical user interface)."

CSE 311: Foundations Of Computing I

This class thought me the fundamentals of logic, set theory, induction, and algebraic structures with applications to computing; finite state machines; and limits of computability.

CSE 332: Data Structures and Parallelism

I am currently taking this class and so far I have learned about how to calculate the runtime of an algorithm and how to implement data structures including heaps and AVL trees.